Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Trial Run

I decided to set the boy on the potty after his bath.  He wasn't happy about this.
Still.  It's a start.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Snake or stick?

The game I play every time I go for a walk here in Sherwood Forest. It is particularly exciting when it is very dark. Level II of the game: that snake - dead or alive?

The goal, every day

Sometimes it takes a while. I don't know why he's wearing eyeliner in the happy picture, but if that's what makes him happy, we could do that.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Overly Sympathetic

I hate the laser eyes of over-sympathy. It either makes me realize I was complaining about nothing or it makes me think I haven't fully realized how bad I have it. Both suck.

My son asked me to draw this

A picture of him grinding his teeth. He had me change the mouth to make him look happy, he thought the picture made him look mad. He's not mad grinding his teeth, he's happy!

A frequent scenario between my son and me

Confidence and Trepidation